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Meet the founder of Edith's House of Recovery, Narvis Hart


"Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19

Narvis Hart is the founder and president of Edith's house of recovery. She is the former founder and president of "Heart of Hannah", a recovery center for women with addictions that she owned and operated for almost 20 years. She has an 80% success rate with this program in seeing ladies set free from addiction! 8 out of 10 ladies who went through her program were set free! There are very few people who can say that! She integrates discipline and the truth of God to obliterate strongholds and expose the recesses of their hear that need deliverance from rejection, fear, anxiety, hurt, anger, bitterness, etc.! Anyone who has been effected by addiction knows that this is an incredible statistic and that it's not just about the addiction. It's about getting to the root. She, herself has been affected by addiction. It is darkness for the addict and the ones that love them, but she also knows what it means to live free from the bondage that addiction creates. It is her passion to see the lives of women and the ones that love them changed into new purpose and have new beginnings. He will do a new thing, because God is the god of the impossible. There is nothing He can't do! (#recovery #freefromaddiction #edithshouseofrecovery #freefromfear #freefromanxiet #freefromdepression #freefromhurt #freefromanger #helpforaddicts #theanswerforaddicts)

Pictured from left to right:

Narvis Hart, her sisters Mary Sloan, Earline Tompkins and Edith Tripp

A short video from Narvis:



Edith's House of Recovery

We are a 12-step, in-house, six month recovery program for women who have a drug and/or alcohol problem! We accept women ages 18 years and up!

Edith’s House of Recovery is located at 1715 N Pleasantburg Dr Greenville SC  29609


Phone: 864-313-0440

Registered Charity: 88-3062824

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